of sorts, of loose essay-like letters and other updates from poet and filmmaker Nico Vela Page.
Everything here is free for all to read, but if you can support my work with a regular contribution, it would mean a lot.

The ideal worker works for free from the love of their heart and bounty of their imagination no expectation of pay no benefits just vocation and vibes we the precariat the gigsters the gangsters of our own mine self-disciplined by boss in mind to make ends of art here’s a poem for free it took my whole life to write every freebie up until this moment building a body of labor awaiting discovery prestige and profit for talent honed in unemployment budget tightening late invoices let me check these boxes check hmmm check checkkkkk hhhmmmm hhhhhow long the grant application for table scraps the negotiation of time’s worthiness for a crapshoot lottery ticket qualification: see vendetta proof: of personality: id: entity: marginalia publication education errata how come they ask about the degree and never the debt the honors never the hustle the reputable not the renegade the radical was unpaid and overqualified made us understudy of grant-based mutual-funded band-aid I applied for funds to make life with I applied I said “I don’t have time to answer this question right now” about my work’s relevance to marginalized communities I was the marginalized out of time to make ends meet and I was denied and I was denied and I was denied.